Innovations in peer review: open peer review, post-publication review and more

Over the past ten years, innovations in web technology have enabled a shift in scholarly publishing.  New initiatives bring the editing and review process to the public. Publishers of humanities journals are following the lead of science publishers and make the peer review process more transparent, including innovations such as open peer review and post-publication review.

I would love to have a discussion about the implications of some these new trends in scholarly peer review, and how this relates to social reading of scholarly work.

Categories: Publishing, Session Proposals, session-talk |

About Bonnie Swoger

Bonnie J. M. Swoger is a Science and Technology Librarian at a small public undergraduate institution in upstate New York, SUNY Geneseo. She doesn't have a background in the humanities, but has a BS and an MS in Geology as well as a Master of Library Science degree. She blogs for Scientific American at the Information Culture blog and has professional interests in supporting undergraduate research, citation networks, innovations in peer review and assessing information literacy.

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